July 13, 2021 - 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

We are committed to providing professional learning, capacity building and ongoing support for principals and vice-principals across the province. In partnership with School Mental Health Ontario (SMH-ON), the three Principal Associations, through the Project Organizations, will provide additional support for principals and vice-principals as they continue to work with their school communities to support improved student mental health.The Project Organizations will work together to continue the development of SMH-ON leadership resources using existing material and leadership resources as a foundation. This will build on what has been accomplished in the 2020-21 school year. 

To explore what supports may be needed for the 2021-22 school year, we will be hosting an online focus group. We are seeking input from practising principals and vice-principals to ensure that professional learning opportunities will be created respecting linguistic and denominational school cultures as school administrators face varying issues and considerations. The feedback received from this group will guide the development of 

  • Three podcasts featuring Association Members, focusing on the application of the SMH-ON resources within their school 

  • Two Professional Learning Networks (PLNs) and

  • One webinar.

If interested, please complete our expression of interest form by June 21 at noon. 

Thank you for your interest in participating in our Focus Group. We will be confirming 8 representatives per association to participate. All submissions will be reviewed to ensure that individuals who are confirmed to participate in this group are representative of the diversity of our membership in terms of region, panel, role, years of experience, gender and other characteristics with which they identify.