EDI Update

Throughout the school year, schools and boards have many opportunities to acknowledge and honour different identities, heritages and days of significance. These celebrations are great entry points, but can also be seen as performative depending on how authentically they are implemented and how they change over time. How have you been affirming student identities throughout the year? As you evolve your anti-oppressive leadership, continue to do the learning, engage with community and work to embed diverse identities into school and classroom practices.

Affinity spaces for Members continue to grow and new groups are also being created. Check for updates to dates and links throughout the month. Upcoming meetings include

  • Black: May 8, 4:15–5:15 p.m. EDT
  • Muslim: May 10 (in-person, time TBA)
  • 2SLGBTQQIA+: May 13, 4:00–5:00 p.m. EDT
  • Indo-Caribbean: see the invitation to the I-CEN event on May 16, 5:00–7:00 p.m. EDT
  • NeuroRealMe for Neurodivergent Leaders: May 22, 4:00–5:00 p.m. EDT (monthly on the 22nd)
  • East Asian: May 29, 3:45–4:45 p.m. EDT

Advice on Transitioning to the Role of P/VP

In a previous poll, we asked Members who have been in the role for less than three years what advice for learning and preparation they would give to new vice-principals and principals to support their transition into the role. The results will be used to continue to develop programs, supports and services for new administrators. Thank you to those who responded and provided their insights and advice. We’ve developed a summary of the results for those who may be interested in the feedback.

Quote to Ponder

Children are likely to live up to what you believe of them.” – Lady Bird Johnson


Queen’s Park Update

There were questions in the House last week about proposed bill giving powers to government for postsecondary policies, waiting lists for Autism treatment, structural deficit at TDSB and capital funding for schools.