The Mentor-Coaching Institute


“Coaching is one of the most impactful processes in supporting leaders and teachers in growing their competence and confidence in the application and integration of new skills and strategies.”

When Mentoring Meets Coaching: shifting the stance in education (Sharpe and Nishimura, 2017) p 29.

The Foundational Coaching Skills Training is offered in three one-day sessions that can be booked individually or as a full program.

Since 2007, the Mentor-Coaching Institute has provided participants- administrators, supervisory officers, teachers, district employees- with an enhanced skill set that supports capacity building in a variety of educational contexts. This course grew out of continuous requests from educators for in depth training in the specific skills needed to be coach-like as a leader/teacher.

In each session, participants will be provided with many opportunities to practice and integrate the skills, attitudes, behaviours and conversational pathways that a coach-like leader or teacher-leader needs to inhabit when working with teachers, students, other administrators, colleagues or parents.

The training has been carefully designed to support the participants’ learning and growth over time, with space in between each session for practice back ‘in the field’.

A 60 minute follow-up Virtual Roundtable is included after Parts 1, 2 and 3 to support participants with the integration of their learning and the coaching skills within their specific role and context. 

The training has been designed for a maximum of 35 participants.

Upcoming Public Sessions

Foundational Coaching Skills Training - October 18, 23 & November 20, 27
The Foundational Coaching Skills Training Part One and Two is offered being offered over four half day online intensive sessions that can be booked individually or together. Completion of Part One is required to participate in Part Two.

Since 2007, the Mentor-Coaching Institute has provided participants- administrators, supervisory officers, teachers and district employees – with an enhanced skill set that supports capacity building in a variety of educational contexts. This course grew out of continuous requests from educators for in depth training in the specific skills needed to be coach-like as a leader/teacher.

In each session, participants will be provided with many opportunities to practice and integrate the skills, attitudes, behaviours and conversational pathways that a coach-like leader or teacher-leader needs to inhabit when working with teachers, students, other administrators, colleagues or parents/ caregivers.

The training has been designed for a maximum of 35 participants.

Learning Objectives – Part One

  • Introducing the coaching model, basic coaching skills, principles, and tools.
  • Developing concrete coaching skills for communicating and facilitating conversations with increased attention and intention.
  • Developing coaching skills for supporting mentee learning and growth through the use of impactful questions, deep listening and meaningful feedback.
  • Engaging in coaching practice: demonstration coaching, peer coaching with guided observation and reflection.
  • Setting intentions for key areas of learning and the integration of coaching skills within leadership.

Follow Up - Part One

Virtual Roundtable: Integrating and Sustaining

  • 60- minute online follow-up meeting over Zoom
  • scheduled after the completion of Part One
  • designed to support the integration of learning and further coaching practice
  • additional online follow-up sessions are available at an additional cost

Learning Objectives - Part Two

  • Acquiring additional skills and strategies as coach through demonstration coaching, peer coaching and scenarios explicitly tied to leaders’ current context and needs.
  • Exploring the coaching mindset: builds capacity and accelerates learning.
  • Introducing the role and impact of strengths in maximizing performance.
  • Introducing, observing and practicing integration of the model for navigating the coaching conversation.
  • Continuing to practice coaching and receive feedback for further individual development.

Follow Up - Part Two

Virtual Roundtable: Integrating and Sustaining

  • 60- minute online follow-up meeting over Zoom
  • scheduled after the completion of Part Two
  • designed to support the integration of learning and further coaching practice
  • additional online follow-up sessions are available at an additional cost

Facilitators: Kate Sharpe and Liana Lafranier


Part 1A: Friday, October 18, 2024 – 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. EDT

Part 1B: Wednesday, October 23, 2024 – 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. EDT

Part 1 Virtual Roundtable: Wednesday November 6, 2024 - 8:15 a.m. - 9:15 a.m. EST

Part 2A: Wednesday November 20, 2024 - 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. EST

Part 2B: Wednesday November 27, 2024 – 9:00 a.m. to 12: 00 p.m. EST

Part 2 Virtual Roundtable: Wednesday, December 11, 2024 - 8:15 a.m. - 9:15 a.m. EST

Location: Online via Zoom

Cost: $340 + HST (Part One), $680 + HST (Part 1 & 2)

Virtual Roundtable Dates: 

All participants will receive

Registration Deadline: October 4

Please ensure you register through the correct link.

Part One Registration


Part One & Two Registration



Learning Objectives

Part 1: Laying the Foundation (one day)

  • Introducing the coaching model, basic coaching skills, principles, and tools.
  • Developing concrete coaching skills for communicating and facilitating conversations with increased attention and intention.
  • Developing coaching skills for supporting mentee learning and growth through the use of impactful questions, deep listening and meaningful feedback.
  • Engaging in coaching practice: demonstration coaching, peer coaching with guided observation, and reflection.
  • Setting intentions for key areas of learning and the integration of coaching skills within leadership.


Follow-Up: Virtual Roundtable - Integrating and Sustaining

  • 60-minute online follow-up meeting over Zoom.
  • Scheduled two to four weeks after completion of Part 1.
  • Designed to support integration of learning and further coaching practice.
  • Additional online follow-up sessions are available at an additional cost.

Part 2: Mobilizing (one day)

  • Acquiring additional skills and strategies as coach through demonstration coaching, peer coaching, and scenarios explicitly tied to leaders’ current context and needs.
  • Exploring the coaching mindset: builds capacity and accelerates learning.
  • Introducing the role and impact of strengths in maximizing performance.
  • Introducing, observing and practicing integration of the model for navigating the coaching conversation.
  • Continuing to practice coaching and receive feedback for further individual development.


Follow-Up: Virtual Roundtable - Integrating and Sustaining

  • 60-minute online follow-up meeting over Zoom.
  • Scheduled two to four weeks after completion of Part 2.
  • Designed to support integration of learning and further enhance coaching skills.
  • Additional online follow-up sessions are available at an additional cost.

Part 3: Integration and Sustainability (one day)

  • Cultivating the inner conditions and capacity for managing filters and barriers to deep listening.
  • Integrating the layers of the coaching conversation: demonstration coaching and peer coaching.
  • Offering and inviting feedback; facing the feedback challenge; three approaches for offering feedback.
  • Role-playing scenarios: practicing offering feedback in a safe place.
  • Setting intentions for key areas of learning and the integration of coaching skills within leadership.


Follow-Up: Virtual Roundtable - Integrating and Sustaining

  • 60-minute online follow-up meeting over Zoom.
  • Scheduled two to four weeks after completion of Part 3.
  • Designed to support integration of learning and further enhance coaching practice skills.
  • Additional online follow-up sessions are available at an additional cost.

Session Facilitation

All Sessions and Virtual Roundtables are co-facilitated by the authors and program developers Kate Sharpe and Jeanie Nishimura or Kate Sharpe and an experienced MCI coach-facilitator.

Course Materials

All participants will receive:

Contact us to book a session in your board.