Module 2: Leadership and Organizational Change Perspective
Topic Guest Speaker Role/Board
Leading Student Achievement from a Provincial Perspective Clayton LaTouche

Assistant Deputy Minister - Ministry of Education

The role of the Superintendent in supporting student achievement Erin Altosaar Superintendent of Education – Toronto DSB
Labour Relations, Employment Standards Act, Collective Agreements Andrew Gold

Director - OPSBA

Organizational Change: Listening and Hearing Your Community Rashmi Swarup

Director of Education - Peel DSB

Leading and Managing Change    Atheia Grant Superintendent of Education - Peel DSB
Equity, Inclusivity and Human Rights Matthew Webbe Superintendent of Special Education - Simcoe County DSB
Working with Indigenous Communities   Jolene John Indigenous Lead - Hamilton Wentworth DSB
Employee Relations, Investigations, Collective Agreements Sari Taha


Equitable Hiring Practices Michelle Lawrence Senior Manager - Toronto DSB
Equitable Hiring Practices Sam Venneri Human Resources Manager - Toronto DSB
Module 4: The System Perspective
Topic Guest Speaker Role/Board

Panel Presentation: The SO Experience


"Leading a Family of Schools while Learning"


"Leading System Change with an Equity Stance"


"Moving to a New School Board"


"Relationship Building with Senior Team and Principals"


Kerin White


Mohamed Hamid


AJ Keene


Elizabeth Lau


Superintendent of Education - Peel DSB


Superintendent of Education - DDSB


Superintended of Education - OCDSB


Superintendent of Education - YRDSB

Strategic Planning and Implementation

Scott Miller

Dana Liebermann

Associate Director - Waterloo Region DSB

Research Director - YMCA

 Utilizing Student Census Data

Bernadette Smith

Lynne Hollingshead

Superintendent of Education - Peel DSB

Manager of Research - Peel DSB

Building a Vision and Supporting Leadership through an Equity Stance Matthew Webbe Superintendent of Education - Simcoe County DSB
Relationships between Trustees and Supervisory Officers

Graham Shantz

Michael Bannerman

Director of Education – Avon Maitland DSB

Chair - Avon Maitland DSB

The Role of Trustees and Governance

Carolina Khan

Manager of Governance - Halton DSB

Preparing for the SO Selection Process

Nadira Persaud


Harjit Aujla

Superintendent of Education - Toronto DSB

Associate Director - Peel DSB

Communications and Media Relations for Superintendents Christina Choo-Humm

Manager, Communications - York Region DSB

Communications and Media Relations for Superintendents
Ryan Bird

Executive Officer: Community Relations - Toronto DSB