We are offering Members an opportunity to receive high quality coaching that can further develop their leadership skills, their capacity to respond to professional challenges or their work-life integration. Each coaching session builds on individual strengths through a reflective process. The Coaching Program is available to individuals as well as groups/teams. Coaching will be facilitated by experienced OPC principals and/or vice-principals with coaching expertise.
All coaches will use a MentorCoaching approach. Their professional experience and training enable them to use a coaching stance in which they guide an individual or group towards solutions or growth. In addition, they may provide advice or share best practices.
Number of Sessions: A minimum number of three one-hour sessions. There will be a 30-60 minute pre-meeting between the Member and proposed coach to check for fit and to discuss areas for growth. Sessions will be scheduled at mutually agreeable times between the coach and individual or team.
Individual: $150 + HST per session.
Group: $300 + HST (groups of 2-6 people) or $450 + HST (groups of 7+ people)
Location: All sessions will be virtual. Face-to-face sessions can be organized and may be subject to an additional cost.
Individual Coaching
Individual coaching is available to all OPC Members and Associates. Individuals who might benefit from these sessions include
Group/Team Coaching
Group coaching seeks to maximize the combined energy and experience of individuals such that each individual is an equal contributor to the direction of the discussions and that the coaching benefits each member of the group. Team coaching is sought out by one individual for a group. The leader of the group works with the coach to identify issues and topics to be discussed for the greater benefit of the group. Group coaching and team coaching might benefit the following groups:
Coach Biographies |
Helen Evans
Karen Friedman
Nina Jaiswal
Nina holds an undergraduate degree from the University of Toronto and her Masters in Organizational and Administrative Studies. She was a roster member and chair on the Accreditation review panel for the Ontario College of Teachers for over 13 years, served as an expert witness for legal experts in addition to teaching for York and the University of Toronto in the pre-service teacher programs. Nina has professional publications for Nelson Publishing, McGraw-Hill Ryerson and Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE). Over past years, Nina served on the professional learning committee and as a coach/mentor for Ontario Public Supervisory Officers’ Association (OPSOA). She is known for her partnerships with community agencies and families, promoting public confidence and increasing student achievement. Mary Nanavati, M.Ed., CPCC, ACC With 30 years in education and a number of recognitions, Mary Nanavati’s experiences in teaching, staff and curriculum development, work for the Ontario Ministry of Education and the Ontario Principals’ Council (OPC), and 17 years in school administration have contributed to her expertise as a coach. She has been the Lead and is a current facilitator for OPC’s Mentoring Qualification Program, a course that blends coaching for equity with a range of MentorCoaching skills. Mary is a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC), an Associate Certified Coach (ACC) with the International Coaching Federation, a highly trained facilitator, and has a Certificate in Applied Positive Psychology. As a creative and compassionate coach, Mary focuses on the whole person, championing educators to leverage their values and strengths in advancing their careers and in finding greater personal and professional fulfillment, well-being, and work-life balance. She specializes in developing leadership, communication, strategic thinking, relationship, and teamwork skills. By co-creating transformational coaching relationships built on values that include trust, equity, respect, honesty, optimism, accountability, and a love of learning, Mary believes in empowering participants to find their own way forward and reach their full potential with enhanced skills, relationships, and confidence. Mary’s experience and innovative work in coaching reflect who she is as a person, educator, and mentor.
Charis Newton-Thompson, PhD
Confidentiality |
All coaches are bound with OPC by a contract which includes a requirement for confidentiality. In addition, coaches and those seeking coaching will sign a confidentiality agreement before any coaching occurs. This agreement stipulates that the coach cannot share any details of the sessions with a school district, the OPC or any individual. The only information which might be shared with the OPC pertains to the topic discussed so that any general professional learning needs can be identified. |
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) |