Healthy Relationships in a Digital World is a project designed to provide principals and vice-principals with strategies in response to cyberbullying and cyberviolence in schools and social media. Resources have been developed by the Catholic Principals' Leadership Development of Ontario, Leadership en action and Principal Association Projects, the service partners for Catholic Principals' Council | Ontario (CPCO), L'Association des directions et directions adjointes des écoles franco-ontariennes (ADFO) and the Ontario Principals' Council (OPC) in partnership with Victim Services Toronto (VST). The project is funded by the Safe and Healthy Schools Branch of the Ministry of Education.
The Project resources listed below were developed and collected in the Healthy Relationships Toolkit to support school leaders as they engage with staff and parents/guardians and their children to encourage healthy relationships in a digital world with a focus on responses to cyberbullying and cyberviolence.
Healthy Relationships: A Leader's Approach to Cyberbullying and Cyberviolence
Upcoming Interactive Webinar Series (2024-2025)
How do leaders plan? |
Details: This webinar will focus on providing a first glance at the newly updated Proactive and Reactive Resources for 2025-2026. Participants will hear from Safe School leads who will share their expertise and strategies for administrators dealing with cyber issues in schools. Date: Tuesday, May 1, 2025 from 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. EDT Cost: Free to OPC and CPCO Members or Associates. Register |
Past Webinars
What's happening now? What's available for leaders? |
Details: This webinar will focus on current resources for Principals and Vice-Principals to access when dealing with incidents of cyberviolence and cyberbullying. Participants will be provided with an opportunity to share experiences and provide input on the Placemat Tool resource to be updated for 2025-2026. As well, Victim Services Toronto will provide updates on resources and videos. Date: Tuesday, December 3, 2024 from 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. EST A Leaders Approach to Cyberviolence and Cyberbullying (Slides) |
Who do leaders talk to? What can leaders do? |
Details: This webinar will focus on mental health, restorative practices and resources that school administrators can access to help create healthy and safe school environments with respect to cyberbullying. Date: Thursday, January 23, 2025 from 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. EST |
What’s new for leaders in the evolving digital landscape? |
Details: This interactive webinar will be facilitated by Janette Hughes, UOIT Professor and Canada Research Chair (Tier 2), Technology & Pedagogy. It will focus on current cyber issues in schools and new technologies and pedagogies that are impacting students, staff, and parents in school communities in a digital world. Date: Tuesday, March 18, 2025 from 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. EDT What’s new for leaders in the evolving digital landscape? (Slides) |
Healthy Relationships Toolkit of Resources
Listening to Students |
Description: The Listening To What Students Have to Say infographic summarizes the feedback from students surveyed about their experiences with cyberbullying (Student Survey, 2023). |
Students Helping Students |
Healthy Relationships Principals Guide to Students Document Description: Students Helping Students is designed for principals/vice-principals to share with students to help students to respond to experiences with cyberbullying. This student voice advice is based on student feedback (Student Survey, 2023). |
Restorative Practice - Cyberviolence and Cyberbullying |
Description: This document provides principals and vice-principals with information around the process of restorative justice, how it can be used, its benefits, and questions to consider when implementing. |
Curriculum Mapping - Healthy Relationships and Consent |
Description: Curriculum expectations regarding healthy relationships and consent and are explicitly stated in every grade of the Ontario Health and Physical Education Curriculum (1-12). This Healthy Relationships in a Digital World resource document demonstrates how keeping students safe and healthy and making curriculum connections is everyone’s responsibility. |
Victim Services Mapped to all Ontario Public School Boards |
Victim Services Mapped to all Ontario Public School Boards (2021)
Description: Victim Services Toronto (VST0 had developed a comprehensive contact list of Victim Services agencies and corresponding to all school districts across the province in 2019. This list was updated in 2021. |
Healthy Relationships Placemat Tool |
Description: Side 1 of the Healthy Relationships Placemat provides principals/vice-principals with strategies to support prevention activities within the school. It is designed to be printed on 11 x 17 paper. Updated March 2021.
Description: Side 2 of the Healthy Relationships Placemat provides principals/vice-principals with strategies to support their response to reported instances of cyberviolence and cyberbullying. It is designed to be printed on 11 x 17 paper. Updated March 2021.
Healthy Relationships PowerPoint Presentations |
Healthy Relationships Proactive Placemat PowerPoint Healthy Relationships Proactive Placemat PDF Description: This deck focuses on strategies principals/vice-principals can use with staff and/or parents to support preventive activities when addressing cyberviolence and cyberbullying. Slides can be adapted by school leaders to suit their school context. Presentation notes are provided. Healthy Relationships Reactive Placemat PowerPoint Healthy Relationships Reactive Placemat PDF Description: This deck provides activities to build the capacity of principals to address reported instances of cyberviolence and cyberbullying in their schools. Slides can be adapted by school leaders to suit their school context. Presentation notes are provided.
Parent Resources |
Description: The Parent Engagement Guide provides parents with answers to the question: What should parents know about cyberviolence and cyberbullying?
Description: The Family Online Safety Agreement helps parents to create a family online safety agreement. Description: The Cyber Safety-Parent Tip Sheet is available in 20 languages for use by school leaders and parents/guardians. |
Cyber Safety-Parent Tip Sheet |
In June 2020, a series of webinars on navigating cyberbullying and cyberviolence were made available to parents/guardians and school leaders. The Cyber Safety-Parent Tip Sheet, developed by the Healthy Relationships project, was one resource provided by the webinars and has been made available in a number of language translations.
Webinar: Navigating Cyberviolence and Cyberbullying |
Webinar: Navigating Cyberviolence and Cyberbullying (Slide Deck) Date: May 25, 2023. Description: In this 60-minute webinar you will learn about the Healthy Relationships Toolkit. We shared new resources, including PowerPoint Presentations to use with staff and parents, as well as a number of resources ready for parent use. |
Video Resources to Support Cyberbullying Awareness and Prevention |
Soulpepper Theatre and Victim Services Toronto, in partnership with CPLDO (CPCO), LEA (ADFO), and PAP (OPC), present two video products of their 2021-22 pilot project, Cyberbullying & Cyberviolence: Creating Safe Digital Spaces. These videos were created by 5 of Victim Services Toronto's T.E.A.R.™ Youth Leaders who learned the necessary skills to write the scripts and perform them. The films will be used by Victim Services Toronto, Soulpepper Theatre, and the principal associations as tools to support school leaders and school communities in the prevention of cyberbullying and cyberviolence.
Is Someone There?Description: When 16-year-old Aanaya sees a couple fighting at a café, she is reminded of her own past with an abusive ex-partner. “Is Someone There?” explores the emotional toll of toxic relationships on young people. Duration: 3:55 minutes
Truth FilesDescription: A regular day in class for Alora is interrupted when she becomes the object of ridicule from classmates on her school’s online ‘confession page’. “Truth Files” is a candid look at the reality of cyberbullying and its impact on a young person’s self-esteem. Duration: 2:25 minutes
Description: In Break, a romantic relationship between Katie and Mark becomes complicated when Katie goes live on social media. She poses a provocative question to her followers, asking whether she should continue to date Mark or another character named John by prompting her followers to rate the appearances of both boys. Mark also sees Katie’s post and struggles to contact Katie by text and phone, eager to address the humiliating act. Finally, when they meet face-to-face, an argument ensues, prompting Mark to break off their relationship and leave. Although she tries to contact him through social media, their conflict is not resolved and Katie must live with the consequences of her digital bullying. Duration: 3:08 minutes Discussion Questions:
We Need To Do Something
Description: We Need to Do Something follows three high school students at a critical moment in their daily lives. The first student attempts to build his courage through vlogging on social media where he shares for the first time that he is gay. He follows that action by putting up a pride flag at school, which results in some judgemental online reactions from his peers. The second student is giving a presentation in front of her class when her anxiety derails her confidence. She stutters and struggles to remember the words of her presentation and feels defeated. She then discovers her peers have been making fun of her online. The third student is in the midst of a high-pressure test when he struggles to remember the correct answers to questions. His stress and panic are experienced strongly in his body. He feels humiliated when he finds out he, too, is experiencing bullying online. Throughout the film, we see speech bubbles with insults and demeaning language towards each student. These speech bubbles represent hurtful and harmful digital texts and comments each student has received about themselves. The comments from their peers influence their confidence and feelings of belonging. After these incidents of cyberbullying, the three dejected students encounter each other in the hallway. In sharing their experiences, they are motivated and inspired to do something to change their reality. These victims know they are not alone. They will take positive action. Duration: 4:02 minutes Discussion Questions:
Youth Leadership and Social Media Engagement Guide (VST) |
Description: The Youth Leadership and Social Media Engagement Guide was developed by Victim Services Toronto. This resource is a guide on initiating, operating, and sustaining a vibrant student leadership and student driven social media engagement program focused on encouraging healthy relationships and leadership. |
French Language Resources |
La voix des élèves Relations Saines La voix des élèves Guide de la direction: favoriser l'entraide Relation Saines Guide de la direction: favoriser l'entraide Justice Réparatrice - Lutte contre la cyberviolence et la cyberintimidation Relations Saines Justice Réparatrice Outil format napperon Relations Saines Napperon Proactif Relations Saines Napperon Réactif Présentations Relation Saines Parents PowerPoint Relation Saines Personnel scolaire PowerPoint Relation Saines Personnel scolaire PDF Ressources pour les parents Lutte contre la cyberviolence et la cyberintimidation - l'engagement des parents Sécurité en ligne - conseils pour les parents Webinaire: Lutte contre la cyberviolence et la cyberintimidation Lutte contre la cyberviolence et la cyberintimidation - 10 juin 21 (diapositives) Guide sur le leadership des jeunes (Victim Services Toronto) Guide sur le leadership des jeunes Ressources vidéo pour appuyer la sensibilisation et la prévention de la cyberintimidation Soulpepper Theatre et Victim Services Toronto, en partenariat avec CPLDO (CPCO), LEA (ADFO) et PAP (OPC) présentent deux ressources vidéo créées dans le cadre d’un projet pilote intitulé Créer des espaces numériques sûrs. Cinq jeunes leaders du groupe T.E.A.R.TM ont acquis les compétences nécessaires pour écrire les scénarios ensuite les jouer. Les vidéos seront utilisées par les services aux victimes de Toronto, Soulpepper Theatre et les trois associations de directions comme outils pour soutenir les dirigeants et les communautés scolaires dans la prévention de la cyberintimidation et la cyberviolence. 1. Il y a quelqu’un ? (3:55 minutes) Descripition: Quand Anaya, 16 ans, voit un couple se disputer dans un café, elle se souvient de son expérience avec un ex-partenaire violent. Cette vidéo explore comment une relation toxique peut devenir un fardeau émotionnel pour les jeunes.
2. Filière vérité (2:25 minutes) Description: Une journée régulière en classe pour Alora est interrompue lorsqu’elle est ridiculisée en ligne par ses camarades de classe sur la « page de confession » de son école. Cette vidéo jette un regard candide sur la réalité de la cyberintimidation et son impact sur l’estime de soi d’un jeune.